A Woman’s Year-Long Journey to Wellness:
Four Integrated
Seasonal Retreats
Join us in walking with conscious intention, and health through the Wheel of the Year, exploring body, mind and spirit.
We have crafted a bespoke program that includes a three-day individual wellness retreat taking place on beautiful Whidbey Island during each season of the year, to help you learn about and attune to the qualities and teachings of the Wheel of the Year, in a safe and beautiful environment. You will be held by three guides, who enjoy sharing their wisdom and unique skills in collaboration with one another.
You are invited to journey with us.
“Although derived from the same Greek root as therapist, therapeia has a different tone and implies a different action. A therapist is one who is concerned with fixing, with treatment. Therapeia, on the other hand, is the act of attending to - its original associations are with worship. Psychotherapeia is the act of attending to the psyche, which implies both a mindful awareness and an attitude of devoted service, as well as an acknowledgement of the Gods and Goddesses and the creative unconscious… Having the body and psyche attended to in the same physical setting helps to bring those two aspects of our being a little more closely in touch with each other. It helps us remember, renew and restore ourselves.”
Patricia Reis, Through the Goddess: A Woman’s Way of Healing
Fee for the Year-Long Wellness Journey:
$5,445 ( $1,361.25 x 4)
Single Retreat Including DNA test and consultation $1,605
Single Retreat Excluding DNA test and consultation $1,205
Create Your Own Retreat $135/per day
Choose from the following Add-on Treatments with Celeen :
Massage $105/hr.
Kundalini Back Treatment $130
Choose from the following Add-On Treatments with Toni:
3X4 Genetics DNA testing/
First Step on the Journey
Introductory Genetic Testing with your DNA Analysis Consultation:
The Blueprint for Your Woman’s Wellness Journey
Exploring the uniqueness of you, the Woman’s Year-Long Journey to Wellness Program begins with the opportunity to work with Toni Marthaller - Andersen ARNP, FNP-C, who uses the 3X4 Genetics DNA testing tool to identify and honor your gene story.
We now know that everything we do, all of our daily choices, including what we think and how we feel changes the expression of our genes. Your DNA story tells you how to optimize your gene expression and live your best life.
Together you will create your Wellness Journey Priority Plan.
During the initial consult you will receive your genetic DNA Blueprint, a 31 page report with key EPIGENETIC insights suggesting researched diet, lifestyle and vitamin, mineral, and herbal suggestions specific to you and your gene story. Toni will consult with you integrating your wellness goals with the results of your gene story and suggest prioritized and personalized lifestyle changes to optimize your health and longevity.
You will work with Toni four times throughout the Wheel of the Year.
With the goal of providing root support to maintain balance & wellness through life’s many phases, as you come back through each seasonal destination with its specific focus, you will consult with her again to deepen your understanding, discuss changes you have experienced and to work with her to fine tune your most important recommendations.
Your gene story identifies YOUR personalized priorities to live a healthier life. It supports you in coming home to your innate self.
Each 4-night, 3-day seasonal retreat
will be facilitated by Marilyn Strong, MA and will include body treatments with Celeen Woodbury, LMT. We will co-create the opportunity for you to learn about the teachings of the Wheel of the Year and the Divine Feminine through an experiential and conscious “walk” into, and an exploration of myth and ritual appropriate to each season/direction.
Next Step on the Journey
Schedule your first of four restorative, healing encounters that you will have throughout the coming year where you can pause and listen to the “still, small voice within”. Here at The Healing Sanctuary at Fox Hill, in the space that we lovingly call The Magdalene Suite, you will experience a process that helps you slow down, recharge your well-being, expand your understanding of wellness, and deepen into an aspect of the Divine Feminine which will replenish your inner world. Located adjacent to the forested lands and trails of The Whidbey Institute, you will also be invited to explore the beauty and healing energy of the natural world.
Through setting a conscious intention, meditation, journal writing, spa rituals for renewal and restoration, creative expression, the opportunity for silence, solitude, forest immersion, small ceremonies and the structure of a year-long healing container, you will be held by loving “therapeiasts” (wellness and spiritual guides) and the magic and mystery that is present on this land. Each retreat will build on the one before. We approach the work as partners and companions on your wellness journey. You will attune to your truest, most authentic self as well as to the qualities, teachings and energies available in each season of the Wheel of the Year; and invite spirit, balance, contentment, health, and simplicity into your life.
What You’ll Receive During Each Retreat
In addition to your genetic consultation, each retreat will also include:
A facilitated process of setting goals for yourself for each retreat in relation to your Wellness Journey Priority Plan.
Personalized nutrition, lifestyle and mindfulness consultations to help you reach your goals for your Wellness Journey Priority Plan
An introduction to the Wheel of the Year, and the qualities and teachings of each season as you return.
Two Spa Ritual/Body Treatments appropriate to the seasonal focus
Creative consultation and project in relation to the seasonal focus
An experience of re-wilding through a facilitated nature immersion
An individualized, bespoke ceremony to integrate your experience and aid you in your transition back to your daily life
Experience the Seasonal Round