“A great traveler… is a kind of introspective; as she covers the ground outwardly, so she advances fresh interpretations of herself inwardly.”
~Lawrence Durrell
“What if we have finally wearied of the paladins of progress who promise worry-free travel, and long for a form of travel that responds to a genuine cri du coeur, a longing for a taste of mystery, a touch of the sacred? For millennia, this cry in the heart for embarking upon a meaningful journey has been answered by pilgrimage, a transformative journey to a sacred center.”
~Phil Cousineau
“Journeys are movements from one place to another, often to a place that is unfamiliar, foreign, and strange. In fact, the Latin root of the word pilgrimage, peregrini, means “strange” or “Stranger.” The journey to become a pilgrim means becoming a stranger in the service of transformation.”
~Christine Valters Paintner
Pilgrimage to France May 2025
A Woman's Sacred Pilgrimage to Northern France
May 13 - 22, 2025
Pilgrimage Closed
Reclaiming the Divine Feminine in the Western Spiritual Tradition: Rediscovering and Honoring our Feminine Spiritual Legacy.
Highlights are Chartres Cathedral, Vézelay, and the Black Madonnas of the Burgundy Region. -
Who is the Black Madonna?
September 18th - November 20th, 2024
In Person Class in preparation for Pilgrimage to France to see the Black Madonnas of Northern France
A 10-Week group exploring the multi-layered tapestry of historical, archetypal and current meaning of who the Black Madonna is, what she represents, and her important message for our time.
The Art of Pilgrimage
A 10-Week Journey to the Heart of the Sacred
On-Line Class in preparation for Pilgrimage to see the Black Madonnas of Northern France
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene
A 10-Week on-line class Exploring
Pilgrimage to France May 2025
A Woman's Sacred Pilgrimage to Northern France
May 13 - 22, 2025
Reclaiming the Divine Feminine in the Western Spiritual Tradition: Rediscovering and Honoring our Feminine Spiritual Legacy.
Highlights are Chartres Cathedral, Vézelay, and the Black Madonnas of the Burgundy Region. -
The Art of Pilgrimage
A 10-Week Journey to the Heart of the Sacred
Sept. 18 -Nov. 20, 2024
On-Line Class in preparation for Pilgrimage to see the Black Madonnas of Northern France
Who is the Black Madonna?
On-Line Class in preparation for Pilgrimage to France to see the Black Madonnas of Northern France
A 10-Week group exploring the multi-layered tapestry of historical, archetypal and current meaning of who the Black Madonna is, what she represents, and her important message for our time.